Please find our studio above talbots at the shoppes at north brunswick, Enter around the side of the building, we are on the second floor, halfway down the hallway on the left.

The Practice of Ashtanga Yoga at Dhyana Yoga North Brunswick, NJ


At Dhyana Yoga, we’re passionate about creating a space where students can explore the depth and discipline of traditional Ashtanga Yoga. This ancient practice, rooted in breath, movement, and mindfulness, has been a cornerstone of the yoga world for decades and continues to offer countless benefits to both the body and mind.

What is Ashtanga Yoga?

Ashtanga Yoga is a dynamic style of yoga that links breath (Ujjayi) with a structured sequence of poses (asanas). This practice is often referred to as a “moving meditation”. It helps practitioners build strength, flexibility, and mental focus while moving through a series of postures in a specific, flowing order. The beauty of Ashtanga lies in its repetition and progression—the same sequence is practiced, allowing the student to refine and deepen their practice over time.

Unlike other yoga styles that may vary from class to class, Ashtanga follows a set structure. Starting with Sun Salutations, moving into standing poses, seated poses, and closing postures, the sequence builds heat and purifies the body. It’s a physically challenging yet incredibly rewarding practice that promotes both physical endurance and mental resilience.

Ashtanga Yoga Assist, North Brunswick NJ Ashtanga Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Classes at Dhyana Yoga

At Dhyana Yoga North Brunswick, we are proud to offer multiple Ashtanga Yoga classes each week. For both new practitioners and seasoned practitioners, our Ashtanga classes are designed to meet you where you are in your journey. Our experienced teachers provide hands-on adjustments and modifications, making the practice accessible for all levels.

We offer Led Ashtanga Vinyasa classes and Mysore-style workshops to suit your needs. In Led Ashtanga Vinyasa classes, the instructor leads the entire group through the sequence, providing guidance and alignment cues. In Mysore-style, students move through the sequence at their own pace, receiving individualized instruction from the teacher. This method allows for a more personalized experience and a deeper connection with your own practice.

Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training

Take your Ashtanga practice to the next level by becoming a teacher, Dhyana Yoga now offers Ashtanga Vinyasa Teacher Training! Our comprehensive training program delves deep into the philosophy, anatomy, and teaching methodology of Ashtanga Yoga. This will provide you with the tools to confidently share this transformative practice with others. Through detailed instruction in hands-on adjustments, modifications, and sequencing, our teacher training will equip you to teach Ashtanga and adapt it for any student, whether beginners or advanced practitioners.

Our Ashtanga teacher training is also an excellent opportunity for those seeking to deepen their personal practice. With a focus on functional anatomy and a hands-on approach to learning, this training is both practical and enriching. You’ll emerge with a deeper understanding of Ashtanga Yoga’s tradition and how it can serve students of all abilities.

Why Practice Ashtanga?

Ashtanga Yoga offers a range of benefits, including increased strength, flexibility, mental clarity, and emotional balance. It encourages a sense of discipline and dedication, while also fostering mindfulness and self-awareness. Practicing regularly can lead to profound physical and personal growth, making it an ideal practice for those seeking both physical fitness and spiritual development.

Join Us at Dhyana Yoga

Whether you’re new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, we invite you to explore Ashtanga Yoga with us at Dhyana Yoga North Brunswick. Our community is built on support, growth, and transformation, and we can’t wait to help you deepen your practice.

Check out our schedule for Ashtanga classes, and if you’re ready to take the next step, inquire about our 20 Hour Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training. We look forward to practicing with you!

September 17, 2024


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